Rebels, Mavericks, and Heretics in Biology - download pdf or read online

By Oren Harman,Michael Dietrich,William Dritschilo,Bruce Weber,Vinciane Despret,David Sepkoski,Mark Borrello,Nathaniel Comfort,James F. Crow,Philip V. Tobias,Prof. Daniel Kevles,Raphael Falk,Tim Horder,David Hull,R. C. Lewontin,John Prebble,Michael Ruse,Dani

This booklet is the 1st dedicated to sleek biology’s innovators and iconoclasts: women and men who challenged winning notions of their fields. a few of these scientists have been Nobel Prize winners, a few have been thought of cranks or gadflies, a few have been actually improper. The tales of those obdurate dissenters are separately interesting. Taken jointly, they supply exceptional insights into the position of dissent and controversy in technological know-how and particularly the expansion of organic notion during the last century.


Each of the book’s nineteen specifically commissioned chapters deals a close portrait of the highbrow uprising of a selected scientist operating in an enormous sector of biology--genetics, evolution, embryology, ecology, biochemistry, neurobiology, and virology in addition to others. An creation by way of the volume’s editors and an epilogue by means of R. C. Lewontin draw connections one of the case experiences and remove darkness from the nonconforming scientist’s the most important functionality of worrying the relaxation of these within the majority. through targeting the dynamics and effect of dissent instead of on “winners” who're credited with clinical advances, the ebook provides a refreshingly unique point of view at the background of the existence sciences.


Scientists featured during this volume:

Alfred Russel Wallace 

Hans Driesch

Wilhelm Johannsen

Raymond Arthur Dart

C. D. Darlington

Richard Goldschmidt

Barbara McClintock

Oswald T. Avery

Roger Sperry

Leon Croizat

Vero Copner Wynne-Edwards

Peter Mitchell

Howard Temin

Motoo Kimura

William D. Hamilton

Carl Woese

Stephen Jay Gould

Thelma Rowell

Daniel S. Simberloff

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Rebels, Mavericks, and Heretics in Biology by Oren Harman,Michael Dietrich,William Dritschilo,Bruce Weber,Vinciane Despret,David Sepkoski,Mark Borrello,Nathaniel Comfort,James F. Crow,Philip V. Tobias,Prof. Daniel Kevles,Raphael Falk,Tim Horder,David Hull,R. C. Lewontin,John Prebble,Michael Ruse,Dani

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